Queens and Colonies

What has become known as "Colony Collapse Disorder" has created a demand for healthy bees, queens in particular. Harvey's Honey has been particularly successful in producing strong, healthy colonies that are not as vulnerable to CCD and other enemies of bees. Call for more information and prices.

Swarm Removal

If a swarm of bees has nested in your tree or near your home, you can best call a hobby beekeeper to remove it. He will be happy to have another colony. Destroying these helpful insects should be a last resort. Call us us first!

Arthritis Treatment

We have customers who suffered many years from arthritis. No medicine seemed to give relief, but after a series of bee sting treatments, they are now free of pain! Only an occasional "booster sting" is needed to keep them pain-free. Ask your doctor for advice before coming to us.


Hobby beekeepers may not only purchase supplies, but also get helpful advice from our experts. Call us if you have questions.